LPC Committee Meeting Voting

Voting your Committee Members (independent only)

As you may be aware the current term of the committee ends 31/05/23.

CCA and AIM members will be chosen by their respective organisations and we will share this detail with you once all positions have been filled.

Attached is background information on each of the independent candidates to help you decide. There is also a voting form at the bottom of this page to be completed electronically. Please put a cross against the TWO candidates you would like to vote for – as there are TWO places you should vote for no more than TWO candidates.

One vote will be permitted per NHS pharmacy premises owned in the region (i.e. one vote per ODS code), based on the data the LPC holds to carry out elections as of 31st January 2023.

These elections give you the chance to directly shape the leadership of your Local Pharmaceutical Committee so I encourage you to use this opportunity.

Please make sure your voting  is submitted by Sunday 4th June 2023 at 21:00.

Results will be shared on 5th June 2023.

LPC Elections Ian Bloxham (see below)

LPC Elections Susanna Sherwood 

LPC Elections Chris Naidu

LPC Elections Neil Ham


Voting Independent Members
Please indicate by checking the TWO candidates you wish to vote for to represent you on Community Pharmacy Cornwall Committee. (candidate names listed alphabetically)
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