Pills, Thrills and Methadone Spills – The adventures of a Community Pharmacist

You have seen Mr Dispenser, author of

“Pills, Thrills and Methadone Spills:

The adventures of a Community Pharmacist”

on Facebook and Twitter,

now come and see him in person.

He is at our next event at Kingsley Village, 6.45pm for 7.15pm on Monday 28th September 2015.

This is a joint event between Cornwall LPC, Peninsular LPF , the DAAT and Addaction, supported by Teva.

After an address by Mr Dispenser, the rest of the evening will consist of an overview of their services by Addaction with a focus on prescribing in recovery and POM/OTC misuse and an update session by the Council Drug and Alcohol Team on Needle Exchange. This will count as your annual training event if you operate the Needle Exchange Service.

All places have to be booked using our on-line booking system, by following the link http://tinyurl.com/o6u4dco if you wish to attend. The event is open to Pharmacists, Pharmacy team members and Store Managers.

A buffet will be served from 6.45pm until 7.15pm.

Please find time to support us with this event

Booking Administration 01392 834022