Pharmacy team event

14th July 2016 7pm for 7.30pm start

Kingsley Suite, Kingsley Village, A30 Penhale, Fraddon, Cornwall TR9 6NA

The next pharmacy team event in conjunction with The Peninsular LPF of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society is an education event for Community and Hospital Pharmacy Teams.


The two topics will be Diabetes, with a presentation by Dr. Duncan Browne, Endocrinologist at Treliske, covering the hot diabetic foot, diabetes in pregnancy and biosimilars and a discussion on Paid, led by Lilly Hammerlund-Sim.  These are two key topics on the Medicines Optimisation Agenda for Kernow CCG and areas where Pharmacists can made a real difference to patients.

Please email if you wish to attend.  The event is open to pharmacists and pharmacy teams.

A buffet will be served from 7pm.