Cornwall LPC Autumn update evening

28th November 2018 18:45 - 21:30

St Austell Conference Centre

Cornwall LPC warmly welcomes you to its Autumn event and update evening. It is sure to be an interesting evening with a number of topics covered.

Our keynote address will be by Simon Pamphilon Primary Care Nurse Practioner taking us through the elements of Self Care

Other guests and areas discussed will include, Virtual Outcomes, Kernow CCG, EPS-RD, PAM and we will have Addaction presenting the annual contractual update on substance misuse services.

The event will take place between 1930 – 2130 with a full buffet beforehand at 1845 onwards. Please do arrive promptly.

There are limited spaces at this event so we ask you book on today to avoid missing out.

Click to book your place today!

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Please also feel free to contact for further information or support.